Catherine Bredemann

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Catherine Bredemann is a sixth-year graduate student in the Educational Psychology graduate studies program. Catherine earned her B.S. in Psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2014. Upon finishing the prerequisites for her psychology degree, she enrolled in courses geared toward teacher training, including courses on educational psychology, policy, and practice. She also has experience in the classroom, having been a preschool teacher for a short time. Catherine now works in the Learning, Cognition, and Development laboratory with Haley Vlach studying in the Human Development area. She earned her M.S. in Educational Psychology in 2017.

In her research, Catherine examines language learning and memory processes in young children and adults. She is particularly interested in cognitive development, and through this research she attempts to answer questions about how our knowledge of cognitive mechanisms and theory can be applied to young children’s learning in educational settings and in the home through such materials as storybooks and educational apps.