Isabella Starling Alves


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Isabella Starling Alves is a graduate student in Human Development area in the Department of Educational Psychology. She is interested in the integration between neurosciences and education, and has experience working on developmental disorders, with focus on developmental dyscalculia.


  • M.A. Neurosciences, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil
  • B.A. Psychology, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil

Research Interests

Isabella is interested in numerical cognition, especially in the association between nonsymbolic and symbolic magnitudes processing. Currently, she works on nonsymbolic ratio processing, on the LAMBDA project (


Haase, V. G., & Starling‐Alves, I. (2017). In search of the moral-psychological and neuroevolutionary basis of political partisanship. Dementia & Neuropsychologia, 11 (1): 15-23.

Júlio‐Costa, A., Starling-Alves, I., Lopes-Silva, J. B., Wood , G., & Haase, V. G. (2015). Stable measures of number sense accuracy in math learning disability: Is it time to proceed from basic science to clinical application?. PsyCh journal, 4(4), 218-225.

Haase, V. G., Júlio-Costa, A., Lopes-Silva, J. B., Starling-Alves, I., Antunes, A. M., Pinheiro-Chagas, P., & Wood, G. (2014). Contributions from specific and general factors to unique deficits: two cases of mathematics learning difficulties. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 102.

Pinheiro-Chagas, P. , Wood, G., Knops, A., Krinzinger, H., Lonnemann, J., Starling-Alves, I, Willmes, K., & Haase, V. G. (2014). In How Many Ways is the Approximate Number System Associated with Exact Calculation?. PLoS one, 9, e111155.